Slowly turning into something round...with skinny legs attached. 36 weeks tomorrow, the birth of Luna's sibling is getting closer.
Marco is currently in Italy following up on the international affairs of the gypsy scholar world. Luna has been feeling the absence of her dad alot, she is kind of insecure and almost doesn't let me out of her sight. She started 'leikskóli/asilo' 2 weeks ago and it seems to be going well. We´re quite happy with her teachers and the atmosphere in the place. It's a multicultural kindergarten. :O) She gets to do all sorts of things she can not do at home, such as fingerpainting and of course, socializing with other kids. Very important business.
There is a lot to be said about Luna. She is growing up fast and she is so intelligent and beautiful but yet so stupid (as young kids often are). As a result it is quite funny to watch and interact with her, she is just all around super fun to be with. More teeth on the way and she has started to form long phrases containg several words. Some of them even make sense!
Meija drekka acqua = more drink water
Kanin detta, neiiiiii = Rabbit fall down, nooooo
Others seem to make less sense although we understand the REAL meaning of them.
Mamma koma, bank bank = Mum, come knock, knock = mum can I watch Postman Pat (DVD)?
Koma, mús = Mum mouse = Mum, please turn on the 'mouse' music (her special CD)
Koma boom = Come boom! = come and play with me
Then there is the ordering around of the doll and the teddy bears, who only she and the teddy bears seem to understand.
If anyone reads this page anymore. Please tell us when you think the new baby will be born. My guess is 15.oct. Mum thinks it will be october 5.
3 commenti:
Ég fer þá bara milliveginn og giska á 10. okt ;)
Ammazza che panciona!
Ætla að giska á 5. okt...
hmm, það er nú ansi stutt í það.
Hvernig er heilsa annars?
Við mæðgur höfum það fínt. Hún er algjört yndi.
Iða líka í skinninu eftir að prófa nýja vagninn... var meira að segja að íhuga að fara með hann bara tóman í göngutúr- það þarf engan að gruna neitt :D Fyrst stelpan þurfti að fæðast á þessum kalda árstíma..
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