Time flies when you are ... not sleeping. Drifa is already more than a week old baby. It is time consuming having two babies and I can't help feeling that I´m missing out on so much in Luna's life. sniff* The only time of the day I can really dedicate to Luna is bed time and we try to sing together and chat. A little mum daughter time.
Today is Halloween and Luna went dressed as beagle boy 176-167 to the kindergarten. It is a multicultural kindergarten with kids from 17 countries and staff from a few more and they try to honor and celebrate every festival. Last Tuesday they celebrated the Indian light festival. I love this arrangement. The kids have so much fun and learn to respect each other´s culture.
Back to Drifa. She's growing, and she´s way bigger than Luna was her age. Monday we have her third weighting and I´m very curious to see how much weight she has gained. As you can see from the top photo Drifa gets a funny look in her eyes sometimes. As if she is just laughing at us ...in a lovely caring, and a knowing way.
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