7 novembre 2008

Thank God for modern medicine !

Sunday morning we Drifa woke up with high fever and we rushed to the hospital to get her checked out. Long story short, she turned out to have a blood infection and has been on strong antibiotics since Sunday morning. We are still in the hospital and will be until next Wednesday since she is required to finish 10 days with antibiotics directly in the vein.
The stay has been quite difficult emotionally, but Drifa is doing fine and it looks like she´ll be all right. They disconnected most of the tubes on Thuesday, the fever is gone and she is gaining weight...4,5kg this morning. Not bad.

Just to make matters more complicated Luna has gone sick as well, though it is only a passing virus with vomiting and such.

4 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Ææ en leiðinlegt! Það er ekkert verra en að sjá svona lítil kríli tengd við einhver tæki og tól. Ég sendi ykkur batakveðjur krúttin mín


Anonimo ha detto...

Wow that was a news...
Is she allrigth now you said?
let us all know how it goes

Manu ha detto...


margrét ha detto...

Æi litla grjónið :( Vonandi gengur allt vel. Gott að slöngurnar eru farnar. Alveg ferlegt að sjá svona litil grey tengd við svona dótarí. En hún er allavega að þyngjast vel, það er gott að heyra. Hún er c.a. jafnþung minni:) Hún var vigtuð f. viku og var um 4,4 kg þá.