We had a wonderful birth experience, quite different from giving birth to Luna. This time I felt really in control and somehow older and wiser compared to the little lost girl who gave birth to Luna in 2007. I had considered accepting the epidural this time but the whole process evolved in a different direction and in the end I gave birth without any form of pain reducers. After giving birth I had quite a different experience, the placenta was enormous causing quite a lot of blood loss which called for a medical treatment causing violent contractions (very painful after giving birth), plus I needed a couple of stitches. So I ended up accepting quite a lot of drugs and i.v. fluids to stop the aching and the shaking. I even got acupuncture to stop the pains AFTER the birth. A bit of a contradiction since obviously the birth was more painful.
We call her our little snow princess because we still don't know what to call her. It has been snowing since yesterday. Peaceful and familiar, just like her. Luna likes her sister very much. Lot of washing of hands since Luna keeps wanting to touch her lovely little sister.
3 commenti:
che dire?complimenti a te helga che come al solito risulti sempre super "tosta" e a marco....bhè un po di merito spetta anche a te dai!!
ancora congratulazioni e complimenti a tutti voi...vorrei avervi vicino per spupacchiarle tutte e due le vostre principesse!!! Un abbraccissimo
VÁ! En hvað hún er fín. Til hamingju Helga og Marco, vel gert hjá ykkur.
Vávává hvað hún er sæt hún Snærós litla :) Innilega til hamingju og gaman að fá að lesa fæðingarsöguna! Láttu vita hvenær maður má koma og skoða gersemina/irnar!!
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