Drifa was released from the hospital on her 3 week birthday. Family life back to normal, just taking one day at a time...of course we are a bit paranoid and constantly checking on Drifa. She is the image of health 4,9kg yesterday. It took Luna 6 weeks to get that heavy. Even with the hospital adventure it sort of feels like Drifa isn't as tiny and fragile as Luna was.
As you can see from the photos, Drifa didn't mind being in the hospital at all...and yes the two sisters do look alike.
2 commenti:
I'd like to talk with you in english, because I think that you don't understand me if I write in italian... Chissà se papà vi sta insegnando... ops mi è partita l'italica tastiera
Un bacio a tutti e quattro e godetevi la sweet home fino a che non ci raggiungerete nella mediterraneità.
zia Manu
Gott að vita að þið eruð komnar heim og allt er í góðu lagi.
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